Every October kicks my butt. It’s by far one of the most beautiful months but it also wrecks havoc on my body for some unknown reason that I’ve only decided to explain as the many rapid shifts in temperature from day to day. Yesterday, my best friend sent me the “featured image” and we both chuckled because it’s so true.
Last week, I lost 2.5 days to my no walking, talking, spazzing, headache days. I called it my Little Mermaid week. It was like if I was able to talk, then no walking. Some hours were a pleasant combo. I practiced patience and staring at the trees while laying in the hammock. So today, it was midnight when I got nailed with a headache, slept it off till 2 then caved and took some medicine. Sad part is even though I told myself to put medicine for spazzing by the bed, I didn’t. So, I proceeded to spaz while half asleep till the morning. I guess it was a free exercise though so I won’t opt to swim this morning. However, consequently my legs are useless. I flopped over on my side and slid off onto Orion’s bed. He was grumbling to me because he was hungry. “Hey, I’m working on it despite what this looks like,” I said, snagging my cell phone to stuff it in my pocket in case I needed it. I grabbed my walker from my closet and appreciated the click click as it snapped into place… making me think of Transformers… wait for it, I’m going to be like Optimus Prime in a hot minute. Ok, or like a hot few hours… I then proceeded to work my way down the hallway, thankful for the lack of floor runners. Halfway down I sat and scooted because it took less energy, hit the restroom, brushed teeth, took meds and then realized my glasses were back in the bedroom. But fear not, a brilliant idea hit me and I put in my contacts. I’m. So. Damn. Smart. Off I scooted wheeled to the kitchen for the coffee that might revive my legs wherein my second brilliant idea hit and that was because I didn’t bring in my groceries and I had no cereal, but I had frozen scones, I got one out of the freezer and put it on my cutting board & threw it in the microwave. Now, some may think this is odd, but, I’d already moved past the cabinet where the plates were. This game of part time cripple is all about maximizing energy. To walk back there, despite it being four steps, is four steps of energy. I was feeling brilliant because I not only had already grabbed my travel mug, filled it with water for the coffee, but also now did not have to go backwards. #winning as my friend Josh would say. So here I am now, contentedly on the couch, drinking my coffee that didn’t spill all over because I made it in a travel mug that I could hold and walker it along, AND fed with a scone. I pretty much am winning today.